
May 9

Understanding and Implementing the National Safety Stand-down

The National Safety Stand-down began as a pivotal initiative on Workers Memorial Day in 2012. This two-year campaign aimed to enhance awareness and ...
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May 9
Dec 1

Oral Fluid Testing Myths Get Busted

There is plenty of misinformation regarding the science of drug testing floating around. This guide explains the facts behind the most common oral ...

Super Catchy H1

Some additional subtext to really start things off!

Filter Resources to find exactly what you need

Why Use Lab-Based Oral Fluid Drug Testing?

What makes oral fluid testing so different? Find out by downloading this fact sheet.
fact sheets
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Misconceptions About a Drug-Free Workplace

A company without a drug-free workplace system in place is losing money. Find out more in this guide.
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Get the Secrets to a Drug-Free Workplace

Maybe you’re thinking about implementing a drug-free workplace program. Maybe you already have one in place and want to make it better.
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How to Plan Your Next Onsite Drug and Alcohol Testing

Performing on-site drug test collections at your place of business or job site offers many benefits, including simplified logistics
fact sheets
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Reasonable-Suspicion Drug Testing Guide

The complexities of employment screening can be overwhelming.
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Everything HR Professionals Need to Know About Background Checks

The complexities of employment screening can be overwhelming.
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Maximizing your next on-site testing event

Download the document to find tips to generate the maximum ROI from every testing event.
fact sheets
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Item TitleThree Divergent Paths for Dealing with Opioid Abuse

The opioid crisis has left employers, even small business owners, with a decision to make. Which path do I take to deal with opioids at my workplace?
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Occupational Health Management

If you haven’t yet chosen to implement an OCM program, or you are lacking elements that could improve the health, and thereby the productivity of your team, it’s time for a change.
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Apr 25

Occupational Health: Your Businesses Ace-In-The-Hole

Preventable chronic conditions are a significant contributor to the high costs of health insurance premiums and employee medical claims in the United ...
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Apr 25
Apr 18

Ensuring Safety: Protecting New Employees from Workplace Injuries

It’s vital to recognize that new members of our team might initially navigate our spaces with less certainty, particularly when it comes to safety ...
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Apr 18
Apr 16

What Is Safety Culture?

Establishing a robust safety culture within a company is essential for enhancing employee health and safety and reducing the risk of accidents. Let's ...
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Apr 16
Apr 9

Addressing the Surge in Fatal Falls: Safeguarding Workplace Safety in Construction

The Center for Construction Research and Training revealed a stark reality: fatal falls to a lower level among construction workers surged by over ...
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Apr 9
Apr 2

Motor Vehicle Deaths: Know the Stats: April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month

In our quest for constant connectivity, we've stumbled upon an unintended consequence that unfolds on our roadways. A recent analysis by the National ...
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Apr 2
Mar 28

Audiometric Testing

In today's fast-paced and often noisy work environments, understanding and implementing effective hearing conservation practices is essential for a ...
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Mar 28
Aug 19

Build your business by finding the best candidate

Workplace Safety Screenings offers affordable and comprehensive pre-employment screenings to help businesses make the most of every dollar. The cost ...
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Aug 19
Jul 21

Keep Your Vessels Moving: The Benefits of a Port Health Safety Program

Since 2020, Americans have had to think about the way in which all of the things that are usually found in local stores make their way to those store ...
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Jul 21
Jul 14

Just Walk It Off: The High Costs of Delayed Medical Care

According to a Gallup survey, more and more people are delaying medical care because of costs. Added to the financial strain of receiving treatment ...
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Jul 14
Jul 12

Workplace Harassment: Training Isn't Always Enough

A recent claim of harassment was revived by the 7th U.S. Circuit Court Of Appeals. In the case of Stamey v. Forest River, Inc., No. 21-1539, a ...
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Jul 12
Jul 5

A Tight Fit: Safety in Confined Spaces

Cartoons and movies have deceived us into believing that one can escape a police chase, make their way through city streets undetected or find a ...
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Jul 5
Jun 30

Keeping Business Alive When COVID-19 Refuses to Leave

"The pandemic continues and we're going to continue working on fighting the pandemic and getting it under much better control," White House COVID-19 ...
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Jun 30
Jun 23

Properly Fitting Face Masks for Peace of Mind

Seeing people wear masks in public spaces is a common scene in what we refer to as “the new normal.” While the experts and the data on cloth face ...
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Jun 23
Jun 16

The When, Why, & How of Safety Training - Part 3

Workplace Safety Screenings is wrapping up a three-part series on workplace safety. We have discussed the when and the why, but we would be remiss if ...
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Jun 16
Jun 13

COVID-19 Isn't Over: Attack It From Every Angle

At the writing of this post, almost 100,000 daily Covid cases and 322 average daily Covid deaths are being reported. Global organizations, the United ...
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Jun 13
Jun 3

The When, Why, & How of Safety Training - Part 1

Workplace Safety may be such an old hat in your industry that you rarely give it much thought, other than making sure that your HR department knows ...
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Jun 3
May 16

The Workplace & Marijuana: What to Think When the Rules Keep Changing

We cannot get away from the subject of marijuana. Every day is another development in how lawmakers are reacting to an old drug gaining new ...
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May 16
May 9

Costly to Ignore: Mental Health & the Workplace

“Excessive workplace stress causes a staggering 120,000 deaths and results in nearly $190 billion in health care costs each year.” -Center for ...
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May 9
Apr 14

A Prevention Perspective: Where a Healthy Worksite Starts

“The best cure is prevention.” That statement, most often used in relation to personal health, is simple but profound. It can find application well ...
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Apr 14
Apr 7

A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing: Fentanyl Disguised as a Prescription

The Fentanyl crisis has been a regular top news story and public policy issue since well before the onset of COVID-19. After the pandemic forced the ...
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Apr 7
Mar 28

It's Get'n Hot in Here: Preparing for the Safety Risks of Summer.

Heat stress can kill. Most of us avoid high heat temps because they are uncomfortable, but they are Most of us avoid high heat temps because they are ...
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Mar 28
Mar 22

Is There Such a Thing as Working Too Hard? Don't underestimate the dangers of overexertion.

When it comes to workplace injuries, the common assumption is that they are the result of negligence or carelessness, but one of the most common ...
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Mar 22
Mar 11

Check the Label: Confusing results aren't the only risk with At-home COVID-19 tests

When will the negative news about Covid come to an end? While we are now seeing less severe Covid-related health threats, the not-so-good news keeps ...
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Mar 11
Mar 9

"I Called Dibs!": Competing for the Best Job Candidates during a National Labor Shortage.

When a national labor shortage has you and your competitors vying for the same workers, how do you make sure that you attract the best candidates out ...
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Mar 9
Feb 25

Bait the Hook: Why Workplace Wellness Programs are Here to Stay

What is the difference between government regulated safety standards and additional wellness programs that make your company’s benefits package more ...
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Feb 25
Feb 9

The High Cost of common Safety Mishaps

Workplace Safety is imperative for reducing accidents and injuries, but many of your skilled managers and staff often ignore the common safety ...
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Feb 9
Jan 31

Improved Safety & Higher Profits: A Drug-Free Policy for the New Year

As you begin a new year, increased safety and higher profits are most likely on your business agenda. That means implementing a drug-free work ...
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Jan 31
Jan 25

Not Just Statistics: Real World Worker Injuries

Workplace Safety Screenings is in the business of helping employers understand the risks of workplace injury and death. As much as we offer ...
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Jan 25
Dec 1

How Random is Your Company's Random Drug Tests?

A friend of mine tells a story about being selected for a so-called random drug test at a Houston company within a day or two of having had an ...
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Dec 1
Nov 23

It's Gett'n Cold Outside: Weather Proofing your Workplace Safety Program

In February of 2021, Texas experienced a winter weather storm that residents lovingly refer to as “Snow-mageddon” or “Snowpocalypse.” To put it ...
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Nov 23
Nov 8

Hey Guys, Remember Me: The return of the common Flu

Mask wearing, social distancing, and the myriad of other precautions, put in place to fight the COVID pandemic, made the influenza virus, what we ...
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Nov 8
Oct 4

"Look Out Below!" -The Rise of Workplace Injuries

You’ve probably seen the iconic image of the 1932 New York City construction workers seated above Rockefeller Center during the height of The Great ...
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Oct 4
Sep 9

The Rise of Drug Abuse & Your Business

Drug use is on the rise. In almost every measurable category, we see a surge in substance abuse. In light of these increasing numbers, the question ...
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Sep 9
Aug 25

Taking A Hard Look at Worksite Eye Injuries

Eye injuries remain one of the most common workplace injuries, despite numerous products available to protect against eye damage. For the business ...
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Aug 25
Jun 9

The Workplace Dangers of Rising Methamphetamine Use

One of the many unfortunate side effects of the Covid-19 pandemic is increased numbers in drug use, at a time when substance abuse was already on the ...
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Jun 9
Mar 16

PART 2 - Employment & Background Checks: What Do They Want To Know?

Why Is My Employer Asking For A Background Check? Last week, we discussed the basic info about employee background checks--- what they are, the wait ...
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Mar 16
Feb 16

Medical Surveillance and Occupational Health Management

What is Medical Surveillance? When you say the words “medical surveillance,” it sounds almost ominous, doesn’t it? This term may not be used in ...
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Feb 16
Feb 9

What does the future of work look like?

These trends, recently published by the National Safety Council, reveal the future of business--it's a business centered on your employees and the ...
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Feb 9
Feb 4

Safety Trends in 2021: PPE, worker wellness, and COVID-19

In 2020, we learned a lot. We, for the first time in the modern age, battled an international pandemic, and it has left a deep impact on the way we ...
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Feb 4
Jan 15

Seasonal advice in the South: Adverse Driving Conditions in the winter

In Texas, our rainy season is from December to May. And, that rain falls differently depending where you are in Texas. In Houston, it’s regular and ...
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Jan 15
Dec 15

2021 focus for occupational health: behavioral health

In 2020, employers were swept up in the whirlwind of COVID-19 precaution, prevention, and preparedness. In 2021, it’s unlikely that the COVID-19 ...
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Dec 15
Oct 15

Your employees need first aid training…and CPR and AED training

As we move into the New Year, businesses are scheduling out their training plan, deciding which items are priority for whom and when. One of the top ...
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Oct 15
Oct 13

Calculating ROI of Safety Programs in 2021: Machine-based physical assessment

Safety programs that include drug testing, background checks, and occupational medicine are not new, and, for many businesses, are an essential part ...
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Oct 13
Oct 12

New Hire and Return to Work Physicals: Protecting the company and the employee

A physical exam varies depending on the job and the time on the job. The purpose of a physical is to protect the worker from overexertion or strain, ...
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Oct 12
Sep 29

Calculating ROI of Safety Programs in 2021: Flu & COVID-19 Vaccines

Safety programs that include drug testing, background checks, and occupational medicine are not new, and, for many businesses, are an essential part ...
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Sep 29
Aug 14

Mental health needs during COVID-19

Mental health is something that employers take seriously year round, making sure their employees are happy, healthy, and safe, but during times like ...
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Aug 14
Aug 3

Tobacco in the Workplace

New technology brings tobacco back in house For the past five decades, tobacco use in the United States has been on the decline. Over the past 60 ...
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Aug 3
Jun 15

Safety Signage to Consider for Your Business

2020 brought us the re-establishment of signage as an essential aspect of any business. However, there are signs you should be posting other than ...
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Jun 15
May 15

Workplace contaminants: Nano- and Micro-plastics in the workplace

As of now, there are no regulations for nano- and micro-plastic workplace contaminants. However, employers should be aware that they bear a ...
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May 15
May 6

Abbott's Open Texas plan & what it means for you

Read the Open Texas report Many Americans are ready to get back to work, and on April 27, Governor Abbott released his plan to Open Texas with ...
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May 6
May 1

Overexertion: A leading cause of workplace injury

According to the National Safety Council, overexertion and bodily reaction is the leading non-fatal injury event involving days away from work, ...
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May 1
Apr 1

Injury Facts: Poisoning is #1 in middle age

Accidental death in the United States for working age adults is primarily caused by poisoning, more specifically drug overdose. Accidental death is ...
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Apr 1
Mar 1

The Three Es of Workplace Injury Prevention

Education Engineering Enforcement of Policy Experts have long relied on the three Es of workplace injury prevention to guide businesses in protecting ...
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Mar 1
Jan 7

The right way to deal with workplace harassment

Last week, Dollar General lost a lawsuit in an EEOC case that will cost them $6 million (You can read about it here). An EEOC lawsuit is a business ...
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Jan 7
Sep 12

6 Ways Scheduled Breaks Increase Employee Productivity

Recent research indicates that a significant proportion of American workers continue to struggle with taking adequate breaks during the workday. ...
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Sep 12
Jul 3

What's the difference between driving high and driving drunk?

With the increasing legalization of marijuana in the Southwest and the summertime heat, Houston law enforcement officials continue to deal with ...
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Jul 3
Jun 27

8 Ways Fleet Drivers Can Stay Alert

Fleet drivers are challenged with many obstacles in remaining awake and alert while on the job. Although there are many safety precautions ...
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Jun 27
Jun 20

Do I need Occupational Health Management for my Business?

The short answer, yes. Regardless of your business type, you need an occupational health management program. The specifics may change; for example, ...
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Jun 20
May 9

Reasonable Suspicion Testing: More Relevant than Ever

In April, New York banned marijuana testing for a number of positions, and more employers are choosing to avoid marijuana testing in their hiring ...
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May 9
May 9

How to Screen Youth for Work

The standard protocol for hiring, a background check, a drug screen, and a reference check, will not necessarily work for your youngest hires. ...
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May 9
Apr 30

5 Ways to Encourage Your Employees to Seek Treatment

Developing a drug free workplace is essential for employers. However, it can be difficult to encourage employees suffering from drug or alcohol abuse ...
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Apr 30
Apr 27

5 Signs an Employee Aliment Has Turned into a Substance Abuse Problem

In today’s society, prescription drug abuse has become a growing problem within the workplace. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, ...
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Apr 27
Feb 21

Drug testing required for unemployment benefits in Texas

In 2017, SB 21 amended Texas State employment laws to “require mandatory drug screening as a condition for the receipt of unemployment compensation ...
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Feb 21
Feb 14

Why post-accident drug testing matters most

Now that your company has determined the need for a drug and alcohol policy, it is important to assess key components impacting the effectiveness of ...
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Feb 14
Jan 10

OSHA’s post-accident policy change and what it means for businesses

OSHA has recently clarified their post-accident policy. According to The National Law Review, “The new guidance clarifies that safety incentive ...
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Jan 10
Dec 12

Is Your Company Holiday Party Like an Episode of "The Office?"

In a classic episode of NBC's hit TV series, "The Office," Steve Carrell's character, Michael Scott, the boss at the fictional Scranton branch of ...
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Dec 12
Dec 4

Get a “Plan B” for Your Houston Holiday Parties to Avoid a DUI

You pretty much just have to turn on the TV or look at your computer to see a story about a celebrity overindulging in drinking or using drugs--even ...
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Dec 4
Aug 1

Watch for Signs of Heat Distress

It's summer in Houston, and that means heat and humidity are very real factors in many businesses in this part of Texas. At Workplace Safety ...
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Aug 1
Jun 22

How to Avoid Sprains and Strains in the Workplace

Some of the most common kinds of workplace injuries are sprains and muscle strains sustained on the job. These injuries aren’t life-threatening, ...
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Jun 22
Jun 22

OSHA’s Anti-Retaliation Provision Goes into Effect

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) final rule changing the way it collects, and employers report, workplace injury and ...
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Jun 22