
Dec 1

Oral Fluid Testing Myths Get Busted

There is plenty of misinformation regarding the science of drug testing floating around. This guide explains the facts behind the most common oral ...

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Filter Resources to find exactly what you need

Why Use Lab-Based Oral Fluid Drug Testing?

What makes oral fluid testing so different? Find out by downloading this fact sheet.
fact sheets
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Misconceptions About a Drug-Free Workplace

A company without a drug-free workplace system in place is losing money. Find out more in this guide.
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Get the Secrets to a Drug-Free Workplace

Maybe you’re thinking about implementing a drug-free workplace program. Maybe you already have one in place and want to make it better.
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How to Plan Your Next Onsite Drug and Alcohol Testing

Performing on-site drug test collections at your place of business or job site offers many benefits, including simplified logistics
fact sheets
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Reasonable-Suspicion Drug Testing Guide

The complexities of employment screening can be overwhelming.
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Everything HR Professionals Need to Know About Background Checks

The complexities of employment screening can be overwhelming.
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Maximizing your next on-site testing event

Download the document to find tips to generate the maximum ROI from every testing event.
fact sheets
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Item TitleThree Divergent Paths for Dealing with Opioid Abuse

The opioid crisis has left employers, even small business owners, with a decision to make. Which path do I take to deal with opioids at my workplace?
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Occupational Health Management

If you haven’t yet chosen to implement an OCM program, or you are lacking elements that could improve the health, and thereby the productivity of your team, it’s time for a change.
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Mar 16

The Advantage of Hair Drug Testing in Workplace Safety

Introduction to Hair Drug Testing: Explaining the basics, how it works, and why it's a reliable method for detecting chronic drug use.
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Mar 16
Mar 12

Substance Abuse – A Silent Threat to Workplace Dynamics and Safety

The hidden menace of substance abuse is unraveling the fabric of our workplaces, threatening the core of team cohesion and operational safety. ...
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Mar 12
Jan 23

Unmasking the Symptoms of Sleep Apnea

Discover the hidden symptoms of sleep apnea and learn how to identify if a driver needs to take a sleep apnea test.
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Jan 23
Aug 14

The Rising Popularity of Hair Follicle Drug Tests

Recently, the hair drug test has emerged as one of the more contemporary methods of drug screening, rapidly gaining favor among employers and for ...
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Aug 14
Jul 27

Understanding Heat Exhaustion vs. Heat Stroke: Symptoms and Treatments

As temperatures soar, it becomes crucial to stay vigilant about the risks of heat-related illnesses, particularly heat exhaustion and heat stroke. ...
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Jul 27
Aug 19

Build your business by finding the best candidate

Workplace Safety Screenings offers affordable and comprehensive pre-employment screenings to help businesses make the most of every dollar. The cost ...
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Aug 19
Jun 21

Staying Ahead of All Federal Safety Regulations

The Department of Health and Human Services proposed these changes to the Mandatory Guidelines for Federal Workplace Drug Testing Programs in April ...
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Jun 21
May 16

The Workplace & Marijuana: What to Think When the Rules Keep Changing

We cannot get away from the subject of marijuana. Every day is another development in how lawmakers are reacting to an old drug gaining new ...
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May 16
Apr 21

Money Isn't Everything: The Less Tangible Benefits of Background Checks

We’ve written extensively on the financial benefits of background checks, or conversely the cost of having to replace an employee you did not ...
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Apr 21
Apr 11

Don't Let One Bad Apple Spoil the Bunch: The Hidden Cost of Toxic Employees

The cost of hiring the wrong employee goes well beyond replacing that employee, or even the time and money that might have been lost on training the ...
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Apr 11
Apr 7

A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing: Fentanyl Disguised as a Prescription

The Fentanyl crisis has been a regular top news story and public policy issue since well before the onset of COVID-19. After the pandemic forced the ...
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Apr 7
Mar 11

Check the Label: Confusing results aren't the only risk with At-home COVID-19 tests

When will the negative news about Covid come to an end? While we are now seeing less severe Covid-related health threats, the not-so-good news keeps ...
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Mar 11
Feb 25

Bait the Hook: Why Workplace Wellness Programs are Here to Stay

What is the difference between government regulated safety standards and additional wellness programs that make your company’s benefits package more ...
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Feb 25
Feb 22

Stay Compliant: Do You Know Your State's Drug Laws?

“Under Texas and federal laws, there is almost no limitation at all on the right of private employers to adopt drug and alcohol testing policies for ...
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Feb 22
Feb 11

Is That Yours: The Rise of Employee Theft

Three out of four employees admit to stealing from their employer at least once. Employee fraud occurs for two years, on average, prior to being ...
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Feb 11
Jan 31

Improved Safety & Higher Profits: A Drug-Free Policy for the New Year

As you begin a new year, increased safety and higher profits are most likely on your business agenda. That means implementing a drug-free work ...
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Jan 31
Dec 1

How Random is Your Company's Random Drug Tests?

A friend of mine tells a story about being selected for a so-called random drug test at a Houston company within a day or two of having had an ...
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Dec 1
Nov 10

Protect your Business: Stay Up to Date with Changing Drug Laws

“Under Texas and federal laws, there is almost no limitation at all on the right of private employers to adopt drug and alcohol testing policies for ...
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Nov 10
Oct 21

Prescription Drug Use in the Workplace

You probably already know the answer to the question, "How do I pass a drug or alcohol test?" First Lady Nancy Reagan had it right in the 1980's when ...
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Oct 21
Sep 9

The Rise of Drug Abuse & Your Business

Drug use is on the rise. In almost every measurable category, we see a surge in substance abuse. In light of these increasing numbers, the question ...
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Sep 9
Sep 1

Leagalized Weed vs. Your own Drug Testing Program

You may have heard about the Gallup poll released last week showing for the first time since 1969, a majority of Americans favors legalizing ...
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Sep 1
Aug 25

Taking A Hard Look at Worksite Eye Injuries

Eye injuries remain one of the most common workplace injuries, despite numerous products available to protect against eye damage. For the business ...
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Aug 25
Apr 15

Workplace Noise Hazards Can Do Serious Damage

Job related hearing loss can do permanent damage to your employees and increase the risk of a serious accident at work. Utilizing the proper ...
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Apr 15
Mar 16

PART 2 - Employment & Background Checks: What Do They Want To Know?

Why Is My Employer Asking For A Background Check? Last week, we discussed the basic info about employee background checks--- what they are, the wait ...
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Mar 16
Mar 9

PART 1 - Employment & Background Checks: What Should I Know About The Process?

Why Is My Employer Asking For A Background Check? Background checks are often a prerequisite to employment and volunteering in order to confirm any ...
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Mar 9
Feb 16

Medical Surveillance and Occupational Health Management

What is Medical Surveillance? When you say the words “medical surveillance,” it sounds almost ominous, doesn’t it? This term may not be used in ...
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Feb 16
Oct 1

Importance of health screening during COVID-19 pandemic

COVID-19 precautions at work help everyone stay healthy, but health screening, both before, during, and after the pandemic can help people know their ...
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Oct 1
Sep 22

Calculating ROI of Safety Programs in 2021: COVID-19 testing

Safety programs that include drug testing, background checks, and occupational medicine are not new, and, for many businesses, are an essential part ...
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Sep 22
Sep 15

Calculating ROI of Safety Programs in 2021: New variables for consideration

This is the first in a five-part series by WSS on maximizing the ROI of your safety program in 2021.
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Sep 15
Sep 8

Drug Test Positivity at a 16 year high

This month, Quest Diagnostics reported drug use was at a 16 year high across the U.S. Frankly, we’re not surprised. Employers are left with two ...
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Sep 8
Aug 7

Continuous Driver Monitoring: Your key to safety

You can predict an accident before it even happens, keeping your employees safer and reducing the risk of employees getting injured while on the job. ...
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Aug 7
Jul 15

DOT Physical: Protecting the company and the employee

A physical exam varies depending on the job and the time on the job. The purpose of a physical is to protect the worker from overexertion or strain, ...
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Jul 15
May 15

Workplace contaminants: Nano- and Micro-plastics in the workplace

As of now, there are no regulations for nano- and micro-plastic workplace contaminants. However, employers should be aware that they bear a ...
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May 15
May 6

Abbott's Open Texas plan & what it means for you

Read the Open Texas report Many Americans are ready to get back to work, and on April 27, Governor Abbott released his plan to Open Texas with ...
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May 6
Apr 23

On-site drug testing safely during COVID-19

Drug and alcohol abuse is on the rise. We know that both anecdotally and through statistical analysis of post-traumatic events and current marijuana ...
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Apr 23
Apr 15

Occupational Hearing Loss: The third most common ailment in the U.S.

About 12 percent of the U.S. working population suffer from hearing loss. Unlike the two leading conditions, hypertension and arthritis, hearing loss ...
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Apr 15
Apr 14

Employers required to use updated I-9 May 1, 2020

The I-9 form is used to verify the identity and employment authorization of individuals hired for employment in the United States, and it is ...
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Apr 14
Mar 10

Does more drug testing equal a drug-free workplace?

Does running more drug tests equal fewer workers coming to work under the influence? Not necessarily.
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Mar 10
Feb 20

DOT recommends against CBD oil

We have been posting on CBD oil for quite some time, and our CEO strongly recommends against its use for those who will be subjected to ...
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Feb 20
Feb 18

Comply with the new FMCSA drug testing rate in 5 steps

In January, the FMCSA kicked off the new Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse with required registration for all employers who fall under FMCSA regulation. ...
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Feb 18
Jan 22

FMCSA Clearinghouse Issues Arise

Employers can continue hiring with 49 CFR 391.23(e) procedures
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Jan 22
Oct 30

The Substance Abuse Prevention Toolkit for Employers

Nearly 21 million Americans are living with substance use disorder, according to the U.S. Surgeon General. That's more than the total number of ...
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Oct 30
Sep 10

7 Reasons A Drug Free Workplace Policy Protects Your Company

Drugs have become very prevalent in society with 60% of illegal world drug production being consumed in the United States. Due to the increase in ...
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Sep 10
Aug 15

How do you ensure your non-profit is a drug-free workplace?

Non-profit organizations are vital to every community; however, they are susceptible to many challenges due to the nature of the industry. A common ...
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Aug 15
Aug 1

Four ways to protect your business from bath salts abuse

"Bath salts." These words once conjured up images of soaking in a hot bath at the end of a long day. No longer. Rarely has a benign term taken on a ...
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Aug 1
Jul 22

Using synthetic marijuana to beat a drug test is a game of Russian Roulette

A recent article in the Houston Chronicle identifies Houston as having a “key role” in the popularity of a new, dangerous and readily available ...
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Jul 22
Jul 11

Legalized Pot vs. Your Houston Drug Testing Program

You may have heard about the Gallup poll released last week showing for the first time since 1969, a majority of Americans favors legalizing ...
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Jul 11
Jun 18

Should I use Social Media Screening when Hiring?

Hiring is still on the rise, but the pool of applicants continues to become smaller and smaller as the unemployment rate dips. As you seek to find ...
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Jun 18
May 14

3 Drug Testing Methodologies

When a company implements or reviews their Drug Free Workplace Program there is a lot to consider, one important factor is the testing method that ...
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May 14
May 9

Reasonable Suspicion Testing: More Relevant than Ever

In April, New York banned marijuana testing for a number of positions, and more employers are choosing to avoid marijuana testing in their hiring ...
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May 9
May 9

How to Screen Youth for Work

The standard protocol for hiring, a background check, a drug screen, and a reference check, will not necessarily work for your youngest hires. ...
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May 9
Apr 27

5 Signs an Employee Aliment Has Turned into a Substance Abuse Problem

In today’s society, prescription drug abuse has become a growing problem within the workplace. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, ...
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Apr 27
Mar 21

What is a non-contact positive?

What is a non-contact positive? You may have seen this result on a recent drug test and had questions. It sounds a bit cryptic, but it’s actually ...
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Mar 21
Feb 21

Drug testing required for unemployment benefits in Texas

In 2017, SB 21 amended Texas State employment laws to “require mandatory drug screening as a condition for the receipt of unemployment compensation ...
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Feb 21
Jan 10

OSHA’s post-accident policy change and what it means for businesses

OSHA has recently clarified their post-accident policy. According to The National Law Review, “The new guidance clarifies that safety incentive ...
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Jan 10
Jun 22

How Long Does a Background Check Take?

How long a background check will take is one of the most common questions that we’re asked at WSS. It’s also one of the most difficult to answer, ...
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Jun 22
Jan 18

What Houston-Area Employers Need to Know About “Ban the Box” Laws

Have you heard of the Ban-the-Box movement? It’s an initiative that swept through the U.S. in 2015 and 2016. It’s been a hot-button issue among ...
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Jan 18