Drug Testing occupational health background checks

Workplace Safety in 2020: Are you prepared?

Many of us are goal setting this week. As business leaders, the line between personal and business goals sometimes becomes blurred. We aim to lead our business well in the new year, and we know you do, too. Workplace safety, specifically background checks, drug testing, and occupational health management, has undergone shifts in the past year--this year, it's crucial to understand before you plan. 

For some of you, your primary goal for Q1 will be launching a full-service drug prevention program. Though the talk of 2019 was the legalization of marijuana, in Texas and nationwide, employers can still choose to be drug free. A drug testing program, complete with pre-employment, post-accident and random protocols, will allow you to lead a more organized, 100-percent-compliant drug program for in 2020. If your primary goal is increasing safety and reducing risk, this is an actionable goal to consider.

In 2020, we anticipate hiring will continue to be challenging, with low unemployment, Ban the Box legislation's increase in popularity, and a greater adherence to previous salary silence to avoid discrimination claims. Even though many businesses choose to lessen background checking standards when it's hard to find employees, we know, from experience, that even having one wrong person on your team can cost you more than you can afford.  

Finally, occupational health management is becoming more important as our workers age. Falls, dehydration, and the flu are becoming more real threats to the workplace, and WSS is expanding our occupational health management program in 2020 to meet your changing needs. 

 As our company has grown over the years, our priority is to walk with our clients, helping them grow their business and stay compliant, avoiding the liability pitfalls in safety, drug testing, and hiring. We will navigate the compliance issues in 2020 carefully, keeping you informed of the changes that could impact your business.

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